You Are Loved
Hello beautiful girl!
I sincerely believe that THIS. IS. YOUR. YEAR.
It has been so incredibly strong on my heart that Jesus is beckoning his daughters to meet him face to face.
What if we stopped running? What if we put away our cute pink sneakers and replaced them with the shoes of the gospel… don’t worry they sparkle too!... and straight into the loving arms of the Prince of Peace.
Yup you guessed it, Shine 2023 is all about JESUS. He truly is everything!
I don’t have to tell you that life is hard, and I can honestly say at 60 years old, it doesn’t get easier with time. Yet, JESUS has relentlessly pursued me in EVERY season and has held my hand every step along the way. And he wants to do the same for you!
God is constantly trying to show us that HE IS EVERYTHING we need! And even in the midst of the most painful challenges of life, HE ALWAYS has GOOD things in store for his children.
Yes, He’s THE King of King’s and THE Lord of Lord’s - & in the very same breath He is our friend. However, I think we often lump Jesus into this “grandiose” category and miss out on the simple intimate parts of who He is for us as individuals.
Jesus will radically transform your heart, but He has to become personal to you first!
This year our very specific prayer is that the Jesus of the Bible, and the Jesus of your grandparents & parents, will unmistakably become your Jesus too!
Colossians 2:9-10 – He is the complete fullness of deity living in human form. And our completeness is found in him. We are completely filled with God as Christ’s promise overflows within us. He is the head of every kingdom and authority in the universe!
Sweet friend - I hope you'll join us at SHINE 2023! It is a true delight to serve you, and I am on the edge of my seat to see all the ways JESUS wants to reveal Himself to you.
Love always,
Pastor Laura